The Elizabeth Township Board of Commissioners will hold their March 2023 Meeting on Monday, March 6th 2023 at 7:00 pm at the Municipal Building.
The agenda:
Elizabeth Township
Board of Commissioners
Monday, March 6, 2023, 7:00 PM
Commissioner’s Meeting Agenda
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance & Moment of Silence
Roll Call
Executive Session Acknowledgement:
Department Reports:
Code Enforcement
Public Works
Sanitary-Veolia Water
Township Manager
Committee Reports:
Code Enforcement
Public Safety & Public Works
Sanitation & Stormwater
Comprehensive Plan & General Government
Public Comment: See Sign-Up Sheet
Discussion: None
Resolutions: None
Ordinances: None
Items for Consideration
Non-Expenditure Items (Consent Votes):
1. Motion to approve the Commissioner’s Meeting minutes dated February 6, 2023.
2. Motion to donate the Police Departments unused XP26 TASERs to the Punishers Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club. This organization is a 501c (3) organization and they will repurpose the TASERs.
3. Motion to appoint Commissioner Walls as the Elizabeth Township Civil Service Commission alternate member for the term ending December 31, 2028.
4. Motion to approve a Land Development request from Justin Yarborough to construct self-storage units at 101 Atlantic Ave. The applicant is required to provide the sewer line easement that is dedicated to the property. The property exists in an M-1 zoning district.
5. Motion to approve the demolition of structures on the following properties. Demolition approval is required to receive Act 152 Grant funding. All properties have been legally cleared by the Elizabeth Township Solicitor.
a. 2172-2174 Smithdale Rd. 1731-N-95
b. 2198 Smithdale Rd. 1731-N-109
c. 2238 Margaret St. 1902-B-294
d. 2248 Margaret St. 1902-B-299
e. 2242 Margaret St. 1902-B-296
Expenditure Items (Roll Call Votes):
1. Motion to approve the Township Bill Warrant dated March 6, 2023, in the amount of $507,901.91.
2. Motion to approve the Sanitary Bill Warrant dated March 6, 2023, in the amount of $192,493.25.
3. Motion to approve Bond Requisition # 19 for the Series of 2019B Bond in the amount of $31,970.92. This bond charge is for engineering fees related to pump station construction.
4. Motion to ratify the vote from Friday February 10, 2023, to authorize Tom Methven to purchase a 2010 Ford F750 bucket truck at a cost of $42,000.00. American Rescue Plan Act funds will be used for this purchase.
5. Motion to distribute the 2022 Fire Levy Funds to the Elizabeth Township Fire Departments as follows: Buena Vista Fire Department $66,085.79, Blaine Hill Fire Department $66,085.79, and Elizabeth Township Fire Department #1 $198,257.37. Total distribution is $330,428.95.
6. Motion to ratify the vote from February 16, 2023, for Achenheil Engineers, Inc. to conduct test boring on the downhill slope of Forest Hills Road, and provide analysis and recommendations, at an estimated cost of $11,150.00.
7. Motion to authorize Township Manager Greg Butler and Public Works Supervisor Tom Methven to attend the 2023 Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors Conference and Exhibit Show from April 23, 2023, through April 26, 2023, at a cost not to exceed $2,500.00.
8. Motion to purchase a Stryker Lucas 3.1 Chest Compression System at a cost of $23,935.43. The system will be used by SEREMS to service Elizabeth Township Residents. This unit will be purchased using American Rescue Plan funding.
9. Motion to authorize KLH Engineers to design stormwater remediation restoration at the existing Cedar Drive Wet Pond #1, Cedar Drive Dry Pond #2, Cedar Drive Dry Pond #3 as well as new designs for a Stoneybrook Park Rain Garden and Detention Pond. These stormwater features are necessary to satisfy federal MS4 requirements by eliminating approximately 30,580 pounds of sediment from the stormwater system.
10. Motion to demolish the township owned structure at 525 Moray Lane (Parcel # 651-F-291) to prepare for Twale Field parking lot construction.
11. Motion to ratify the vote from February 24, 2023, to purchase a Case 590SN Backhoe with a 24” Tooth Attachment from Groff Tractor & Equipment at the COSTARS cost of $148,200.00.
12. Motion to authorize KLH Engineers to prepare bid specifications for repair of the Haymaker Rd. retaining wall at a cost not to exceed $15,000.
13. Motion to approve the purchase of a 2019 Ford F-350XL Utility Truck from Country Commercial Center at a cost of $64,000.00. This vehicle milage is 23,127.
14. Motion to approve the agreement with Regola Consulting, LLC for grant consulting services. The agreement will be in effect until December 31,2024, with a 30-day termination clause.
General Fund Bill Warrant:
Sanitary Bill Warrant: