Garbage collection in Elizabeth Township is contracted through Waste Management.
Each resident who uses this service pays quarterly bills directly to Waste Management.
Please direct all inquiries to the Waste Management Customer Service Center at: 1-(800)-458-4090
In Pennsylvania, Act 101 mandates that three materials from a list of eight must be collected by municipalities that are obligated to have recycling programs. (Population dictates those that must recycle.) Those eight items are aluminum, steel and bimetallic cans, plastics, high-grade office paper, newsprint, corrugated paper, clear glass and colored glass. As long as three of those items are part of the mandated recycling program, the municipality is in compliance. This originally led to each item being placed in a separate container with collection by trucks that had separate bins for each of those items. Advances in technology allowed for the evolution of single stream recycling in which all items are commingled in one container and collected without separation in the collection vehicle. Those items are then mechanically separated at the recycling facility. After separation, the recycled material is then sold into the appropriate market.
Unfortunately, a large portion of items people attempt to recycle are contaminated, thus resulting in these items being unable to be recycled and causing a negative impact on the environment. There are two types of contamination: “dirty stuff” and “wrong stuff.” Dirty stuff is just that: material that is not clean such as a jelly jar with residue remaining inside. Wrong stuff is material that is not recyclable, such as plastic toys, bicycle chains, garden hoses, intermingled with legitimate recyclables. When contaminated items (unrecyclable) make it to the processing plant, they are sorted from accepted recyclables and ultimately end up in up in a landfill - which is the most undesirable outcome of a recycling program. It is important for our residents to understand what is accepted and not accepted, so we can lessen our negative impact on the environment and ensure that we as a township are not wasting our recycling premium on items that cannot be recycled.
How to Prepare Recyclables:
Carefully sort and properly identify what can and cannot be recycled. Placing only the recyclables listed above in the recycling container is essential.
Individually place recyclables in the recycling container. Do not first bundle them in a plastic bag and then put the bag in the recycling container. The plastic bag is considered to be “film” and therefore a contaminant which contaminates the entire container.
Cardboard and paperboard boxes should be flattened before being placed in the recycling container.
For plastic bottles, jugs and jars, use the following procedure: Empty, Clean and Dry.
Watch for contaminants. Anything that has come into contact with food is considered to be contaminated and should be disposed of as trash. Examples are paperboard containers from fast food with cheese or condiment residue adhering to the side and grease-stained cardboard pizza boxes.
Follow the shorthand guide to recycling: When in doubt, throw it out.
Make sure the “wrong stuff” is not accidentally placed in the recycling bin.
For more information on the environmental and economic impact of correctly recycling, please visit:
Film such as Plastic Bags or Plastic Wrap of any type
Plastics Type 3 through and including Type 7
Black PET Trays or Food Trays of any type
Plastic Items such as, but not limited to, Flower Pots, Vinyl Siding, Records or VCR Tapes
Metal Foil
Non-Can items such as Lawnmower Blades, Dog Chains, Car Motors and Brake Pads
Rubber Products such as Hoses, Tires and Balls
Clean and Dry Aluminum Cans
Tin Cans
Plastic Type 1 PET and Type 2 HDPE
Mixed Paper
Corrugated Cardboard

Waste Management - Customer Service
1 (866) 909-4458
Waste Management - Hard to Recycle Set Up
1 (800) 449-7587
Residents in Elizabeth Township have access to a convenient service to properly dispose and recycle household hazardous waste safely, easily, and responsibly. These items include: paints, household cleaners, compact fluorescent lamps (CFL), automotive products, garden chemicals, batteries, electronics and more.
This service is in addition to your waste and recycling service provided by Waste Management and there is no additional cost to participate.
To participate, you must set up a collection appointment. There are three ways to schedule a collection:
Go to www.WMAtYourDoor.com
Call 1-800-449-7587
Email: AtYourDoor@WM.com
For more information, please check this flyer that provides additional details about this service:
Informational Flyer
Waste Management - Billing
1 (800) 877-7531

Accepted Recyclables

Prohibited Recyclables

Household Hazardous Waste Program

2025 Garbage and Recycling Calendar

2025 Garbage and Recycling Calendar