The Right to Know Law allows citizens to request public information from Elizabeth Township. Please view the Citizen's Guide to Right-to-Knows for detailed information, and to ensure you are properly requesting records. Additional information can also be found at the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records website. Contact information for our Open Records Officer is also found below. Please verify that you are using the correct form when requesting information.
Requests can be emailed, faxed, mailed, or delivered in-person to the Open Records Officer. A response will be issued within 5 business days. If a 30 calendar day extension is required, you will still receive this notice within 5 business days of the original request. The forms below, when completed through this site, will automatically send your request to our Open Records Officer, however, regardless of the request method, please keep a copy of your request for your records.
If you would like to file an appeal on a denied or deemed denial response, you must do so within 15 business days of receiving the denial or deemed denial. The appeal can be completed by email, fax, in-person delivery, or via online form to the Pennsylvania Office of Open Records. For your appeal, please include the original request, a copy of the agency denial (if one exists), grounds on which the request was denied, and why you believe the records are public records. An appeals officer will then determine if the appeal is valid and if the record is subject to public access.
*Please note that Police Incident and Log Entry Requests do not follow the standard Right-to-Know policies*
Office of Open Records
333 Market St. 16th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17101-2234

Open Records Officer

PA Office of Open Records