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September Board of Commissioners Meeting

The Elizabeth Township Board of Commissioners will hold their monthly meeting on Monday, September 9th 2024 at 7:00pm at the Elizabeth Township Municipal Building.

The agenda:

Elizabeth Township

Board of Commissioners

Monday September 9, 2024, 7:00 PM

Board of Commissioner’s Meeting Agenda



Call to Order


Pledge of Allegiance & Moment of Silence


Roll Call


Executive Session Acknowledgement:


            Monday, September 9, 2024, at 5:00 pm


Department Reports:


Code Enforcement



Public Works

Sanitary-Veolia Water


Township Manager


Committee Reports:


Budget, Finance, Grants, Legislation and General Government

Code Enforcement

Parks & Recreation

Community Events


Public Safety & Public Works

Sanitation & Stormwater

Comprehensive Plan

Business Development

EFSD Collaboration Committee

Redevelopment Authority

Junior Commissioner

Fire Department





Waste Management Update – Commissioner Musisko


Public Comment: See Sign-Up Sheet



Discussion: None



Resolutions (Roll Call):


1.      Motion to ratify the vote from August 29, 2024, to adopt Resolution 2024-13 confirming application of a GEDTF grant with the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County and designating Greg Butler as the official to execute the grant process.


2.      Motion to ratify the vote from August 29, 2024, to adopt Resolution 2024-14 confirming application of an Act 152 grant with the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County and designating Greg Butler as the official to execute the grant process.


3.      Motion to ratify the vote from August 29, 2024, to adopt Resolution 2024-15 declaring certain properties as contributing to blight for the application of an Act 152 grant with the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County.



Ordinances (Roll Call):


1.      Motion to approve Ordinance #976 amending the 2021 edition of the International Property Maintenance Code by providing the standard for and prohibiting the accumulation of open storage of items on properties and the penalties for the violations thereto.


2.      Motion to adopt Ordinance #977 regulating short-term pool rentals within the Township of Elizabeth, Allegheny County.


3.      Motion to adopt Ordinance #978 rescinding Ordinance #940 which amended the Township Code of Ordinances to define natural gas electric power generating systems.


4.      Motion to adopt Ordinance #979 rescinding Ordinance #941 which rezoned certain properties from R-3 Medium Density Residential and R-1 Rural Residential to M-1 Light Industrial as described in Attachment “A”.



Items for Consideration


 Non-Expenditure Items (Consent Votes):


1.      Motion to approve the Commissioner’s Meeting minutes dated August 5, 2024.


2.      Motion to approve the Commissioner’s Workshop Meeting minutes dated August 19, 2024.


3.      Motion to re-approve the lot consolidation request from Carl Schunk for lots #553-S-242 and #553-S-253 at 1120 East Smithfield Street. The properties exist in an R-3 and M-1 zoning district.


Expenditure Items (Roll Call Votes):


4.      Motion to approve the Township Bill Warrant dated September 9, 2024, in the amount of $927,565.62.


5.      Motion to approve the Sanitary Bill Warrant dated September 9, 2024, in the amount of $456,257.21.


6.      Motion to promote employee #1079 to full-time employment status with single benefits at the current hourly wage.


7.      Motion to ratify the vote from August 8, 2024, to approve payment for two portable bathrooms for a September 7, 2024, event at the Elizabeth Township Sportsman’s Association at a cost of $200.00.


8.      Motion to approve the payment of invoice # 185049 from Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc. in the amount of $6,450.00 for the design of the Valleyvue Rd. cul-de-sac.


9.      Motion to ratify the vote from August 20, 2024, to approve Bond Requisition #1 for the Series of 2012 Sanitary Bond in the amount of $1,276,003.98. This requisition is for reimbursement of sanitary expenses from 2018 through 2024.


10.   Motion to approve Bond Requisition #2 for the Series of 2012 Sanitary Bond in the amount $ 353,777.98. This requisition is for the purchase of the sanitary camera truck from A&H Equipment.


11.   Motion to accept the technical and price proposal from Trans Associates in the amount of $38,700.00 for design of improvements to the Lovedale Rd./McKeesport Rd. intersection. This fee will be paid with Green Light Go grant funding.


12.   Motion to ratify the vote from August 21, 2024, to hire a part-time Code Administrative Assistant.


13.   Motion to approve the payment of Pay Application #5 from PDDM Associates in the amount of $209,239.67 for the construction of the Boston Ballfield.


14.   Motion to ratify the vote from August 6, 2024, to approve Change Order #2 from PDDM Solutions for the construction of the Boston Ballfield in the amount of $16,250.00. The remaining $4,000.00 from the Change Order was approved at the August 5, 2024, meeting.


15.   Motion to approve Change Order #3 from PDDM Solutions in the amount of $47,345.50 for the construction of additional concrete pads at the Boston Ballfield.


16.   Motion to approve Change Order #4 from PDDM Solutions in the amount of -$18,368.00 for credits against the foul poles, mound, camera pad, and asphalt millings at the Boston Ballfield.


17.   Motion to approve Change Order #5 from PDDM Solutions in the amount of $46,396.49 for the addition of bleachers at the Boston Ballfield.


18.   Motion to approve Change Order #6 from PDDM Solutions in the amount of $78,425.55 for the addition of a scoreboard, mound, and additional fencing at the Boston Ballfield.


19.   Motion to approve Change Order #7 from PDDM Solutions in the amount of $12,385.00 for the miscellaneous alterations at the Boston Ballfield.


20.   Motion to approve Change Order #8 from PDDM Solutions for an amount not to exceed $13,000.00 for the addition of fencing and gates at the Boston Ballfield.


21.   Motion to approve Change Order #1 from Redstone Excavating, LLC in the amount of $51,009.38 for the upgrade to PennDOT approved guiderails on Jacktown Road.


22.   Motion to approve the purchase of security camera upgrades for the Municipal Building from Barrier Protection Systems, a cost of $12,059.00.



Agenda PDF:

The General Fund Bill Warrant:

The Sanitary Bill Warrant:


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