January 4, 2022
The Elizabeth Township Board of Commissioners made the following changes to the agenda during the January 3, 2022, meeting:
· The Board voted to appoint Commissioner Kyle Walk to the Elizabeth Borough Sanitation Authority Board of Directors
· The Board voted to appoint Rob Rhoderick to the Elizabeth Township Vacancy Board for a two-year term from 1-1-2022 through 12-31-2023
· The Board voted to appoint Commissioner Kyle Walk as President Pro Tempore of the Board of Commissioners
· Motion #4 under Non-Expenditure Items was changed to exclude the word “asphalt”
· Motion #5 under Expenditure Items was removed from the agenda
· Motion #7 under Expenditure Items was altered to include phrase “contingent on KLH Engineers confirmation of the correct language at the beginning of the Bond Request”
Thank You,
Greg Butler
Township Manager
Revised Agenda is Below: