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Revised Agenda - Board of Commissioners Meeting - November 7, 2022

Below is the revised agenda from the November 7, 2022, Board of Commissioners Meeting. All revisions are marked in red type.

Elizabeth Township

Board of Commissioners

Monday, November 7, 2022, 7:00 PM

Commissioner’s Meeting Agenda

Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance & Moment of Silence

Roll Call

Executive Session Acknowledgement: None

Department Reports:

Code Enforcement



Public Works

Sanitary-Veolia Water


Township Manager

Committee Reports:


Code Enforcement



Public Safety & Public Works

Sanitation & Stormwater

Comprehensive Plan & General Government


Doug Pascoe - SEREMS

Public Comment: See Sign-Up Sheet

Discussion: None


1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2022-13 amending the annual criteria for earned income credit eligibility under the Act 172 Volunteer Service Credit Program. This resolution changes the criteria for Elizabeth Township Volunteer Firefighters to be eligible for Act 172 earned income credit.

2. Motion to adopt Resolution 2022-14 establishing Earned Income Tax and Real Estate Tax credits for Township Volunteer Firefighters as allowed in PA Act 91. This Resolution increases the annual earned income tax credit to $500.00, and the annual township real estate tax credit to 100% with a maximum of $500.00, for Elizabeth Township Firefighters.

3. Motion to adopt Resolution 2022-15 amending Local Tax Law effective January 1, 2023, in accordance with PA Act 57 of 2022. This Act allows for the Local Real Estate Tax Collector to automatically waive penalties for taxpayers who have purchased a home within the previous twelve (12) months but have not received their tax bill in the mail


1. Motion to adopt Ordinance 972 establishing stormwater management best practices in Elizabeth Township.

Items for Consideration

Non-Expenditure Items (Consent Votes): None

1. Motion to approve the Commissioner’s Meeting minutes dated October 3, 2022.

2. Motion to approve the resignation of Commissioner Rich Algeri effective November 7, 2022.

3. Motion to accept letters of interest for Commissioner appointment of Ward 5 for the term ending December 31, 2023. Letters of Interest must be received by the Township by end of business on Friday November 18, 2022.

5. Motion to approve the Dora lot consolidation at 316 Terrytown Drive as approved by the Planning Commission. This consolidation creates one parcel from two existing parcels.

Expenditure Items (Roll Call Votes)

1. Motion to approve the Township Bill Warrant dated November 7, 2022, in the amount of $787,905.89.

1. Motion to approve the Sanitary Bill Warrant dated November 7, 2022, in the amount of $1,702,888.24. (Includes payments for Sewer Revenue Bond 2019A - $385,011.25; Sewer Revenue Bond 2019B - $305,900.00; Sewer Revenue Bond 2012 - $702,492.50)

2. Motion to approve Bond Requisition #16 for the Series of 2019B Bond in the amount of $34,684.25.

3. Motion to appoint Russell Verbanec to the Elizabeth Township Zoning Hearing Board for the term ending December 31, 2022.

4. Motion to hire Tom Methven as the Elizabeth Township Public Works Supervisor at an annual salary of $70,000.00 with a three-year contract, including a one-year probationary period, and full benefit package.

5. Motion to approve the 2023 Sanitary Pension Minimum Municipal Obligation (MMO) in the amount of $0.00.

6. Motion to designate Friday December 2, 2022, as Elizabeth Township Light the Night. The event will begin at 6:00 pm at the Elizabeth Township Municipal Building.

7. Motion to approve Pay Application # 2 from Insight Pipe Contracting, LLC in the amount of $83,086.00. This payment is for the final phase of camera and cleaning work at Happy Road.

8. Motion to advertise the 2023 General Fund Budget and 2023 Sanitation Budget.

9. Ratify the vote from October 13, 2022, to purchase two additional televisions for the Board Chambers at a cost of $2,395.98.

11. Motion to authorize parcel 1269-C-302 to pay 2022 Township Real Estate Tax at the discounted rate.

12. Motion to purchase $50.00 Giant Eagle gift cards for all township employees for Thanksgiving as done in past years.

13. Motion to purchase a storage shed to house the Police Polaris side-by-side from ___________ at a cost not to exceed ____________. -Motion Pulled

14. Motion to authorize One Stop Vinyl Shop to apply window tinting to the front windows of the Municipal Building at a cost of $5,292.00.

15. Motion to approve Pay Application #1 from A. Liberoni, Inc. in the amount of $359,443.59.

16. Motion to approve the purchase of an outdoor LED sign for the Elizabeth Township Municipal Building from Stewart Signs at a cost of $25,015.00 pending Elizabeth Township Planning Commission approval. This sign will replace the existing sign.

17. Motion to apply $124,330.84 of the 2022 Municipal Pension State Aid Allocation for Elizabeth Township to pension account 02-111-4P (Police Pension).

18. Motion to apply $72,526.33 of the 2022 Municipal Pension State Aid Allocation for Elizabeth Township to pension account 02-111-4N (Non-Uniform Pension).

19. Motion to appoint James Lesniewski to the Elizabeth Borough Municipal Authority Board of Directors effective January 1, 2022.


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