The Elizabeth Township Board of Commissioners will hold their June 2024 meeting on Monday, June 3rd, 2024 at 7:00 pm at the Elizabeth Township Municipal Building.
The Agenda:
Elizabeth Township
Board of Commissioners
Monday June 3, 2024, 7:00 PM
Board of Commissioner’s Meeting Agenda
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance & Moment of Silence
Roll Call
Executive Session Acknowledgement:
May 20, 2024, at 5:30 pm
May 20, 2024, at 9:30 pm
June 3, 2024, at 5:30 pm
Department Reports:
Code Enforcement
Public Works
Sanitary-Veolia Water
Township Manager
Committee Reports:
Budget, Finance, Grants, Legislation and General Government
Code Enforcement
Parks & Recreation
Community Events
Public Safety & Public Works
Sanitation & Stormwater
Comprehensive Plan
Business Development
EFSD Collaboration Committee
Redevelopment Authority
Junior Commissioner
Fire Department
Public Comment: See Sign-Up Sheet
Discussion: None
Resolutions (Roll Call): None
Ordinances (Roll Call):
1. Motion to advertise the Ordinance that rescinds Ordinance 940 and Ordinance 941
2. Motion to advertise the Ordinance that amends sections 109.4 Violation Penalties and 308.1 Accumulation of Rubbish and Garbage of the 2021 International Property Maintenance Code.
Items for Consideration
Non-Expenditure Items (Consent Votes):
1. Motion to approve the Commissioner’s Meeting minutes dated May 6, 2024.
2. Motion to approve the Commissioner's Workshop Meeting minutes dated May 20, 2024
3. Motion to approve a request from Aaron Chaney to subdivide the parcels #1733-H-325 & #1733-M-148 at 2710 & 2706 Douglas Run Rd. The property exists in an R-1 Zoning district.
4. Motion to approve a request from Elizabeth Forward School District to consolidate the parcels #1417-C-43, #1417-H-6, #1417-L-3, #1417-L-89, #1417-R-175, #1417-R-178, and #1417-R-185 at 1000 Weigles Hill Rd. The property exists in an S-C Zoning district.
Expenditure Items (Roll Call Votes):
5. Motion to approve the Township Bill Warrant dated June 3, 2024, in the amount of $585,959.13.
6. Motion to approve the Sanitary Bill Warrant dated June 3, 2024, in the amount of $318,143.05.
7. Motion to ratify the vote from May 13, 2024, to add an ADA paved pathway at the Highland Meadows Court at a cost not to exceed $8,500.00. This will be paid for with a private donation from U.S. Steel.
8. Motion to ratify the vote from May 20, 2024, to approve pay application # 1 from Stash Contracting in the amount of $70,830.00 for the demolition of 11 houses.
9. Motion to authorize Hilltop Securities to complete IRS required arbitrage rebate compliance services for the Series A of 2019 bond at a cost of $4,500.00 and the Series B of 2019 bond at a cost of $4,500.00.
10. Motion to approve the promotion employee #1068 from Class E Officer to Class D Officer as required in the current Collective bargaining Agreement – Employee #1068 Class D eligibility begins June 5, 2024.
11. Motion to ratify the vote from May 15, 2024, to authorize HRG Engineers to design a stormwater remediation solution for the cul-de-sac at Valleyvue Dr. at a cost of $15,850.00.
12. Motion to ratify the vote from May 20, 2024, to approve payment to Mele and Mele and Sons for the completion of the Jacktown Road Bridge in the amount of $169,806.40. This total includes Pay Application # 3 for $77,730.00, Pay Application # 4 for $85,585.40 and Pay Application #5 for $6,491.00.
13. Motion to ratify the vote from May 16, 2024, to approve an additional cost of $800.00 for the Highland Meadows Pickleball/Basketball court construction. The additional cost is for the contractor to add a day of labor to paint a third color on the courts.
14. Motion to ratify the vote from May 21, 2024, adding stormwater drainage controls at the Highland Meadows Court at a cost not to exceed $5,000.00.
15. Motion to submit construction material estimates for the construction of Circle Drive and the Circle Drive Bridge to PennDOT for payment through Liquid Fuels funds.
16. Motion to authorize KLH Engineers to prepare bid specifications for adding ventilation in the grinder pump chambers at the Buena Vista and Boston Pump Stations.
17. Motion to authorize KLH Engineers to prepare bid specifications for adding spark-proof lighting in the grinder pump chambers at the Buena Vista and Boston Pump Stations.
18. Motion to authorize KLH Engineers to prepare bid specifications for adding an access door to the grinder pump chambers at the Buena Vista and Boston Pump Stations.
19. Motion to authorize KLH Engineers to prepare bid specifications for the addition of handrails at the top access panels to the grinder pump chambers at the Buena Vista and Boston Pump Stations.
20. Motion to approve the Extra Work Authorizations from Mele & Mele & Sons, Inc. for construction at the Buena Vista Pump Station in the amount of $537,262.96 from the PennVest Loan.
21. Motion to amend Motion #20 from the May 6, 2024, agenda that read “Motion to replace six dogwood trees at 750 Lovedale Road at a cost not to exceed $2,000. The trees will replace the trees removed during construction of Jacktown Bridge.” to read “at a cost of $3,475.00 instead of “at a cost not to exceed $2,000.00.”
22. Motion to ratify the vote from May 29, 2024, to donate $300.00 to the Buena Vista Ladies Auxiliary for their Memorial Day service.
23. Motion to approve Pay Application #5 from Swede Construction Corporation for MS4 remediation construction at a cost of $21,327.50.
24. Motion to approve Pay Application #1 from El Grande Industries in the amount of $56,700.00 for construction of the Highland Meadows pickleball/basketball courts.
Agenda PDF Download:
The General Fund Bill Warrant:
The Sanitary Bill Warrant: