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February 2024 Board of Commissioners Meeting

Updated: Feb 4, 2024

The Elizabeth Township Board of Commissioners will hold their February meeting on Monday, February 5th, 2024 at 7:00 pm at the Elizabeth Township Municipal Building.

The agenda:

Elizabeth Township

Board of Commissioners

Monday February 5, 2024, 7:00 PM

Board of Commissioner’s Meeting Agenda



Call to Order


Pledge of Allegiance & Moment of Silence


Roll Call


Executive Session Acknowledgement:  January 15, 2024, at 8:00 pm.


Motion and Swearing In


1.      Motion to promote Officer Chris McBride to the position of Sergeant as recommended by the Elizabeth Township Civil Service Commission.


Department Reports:


Code Enforcement



Public Works

Sanitary-Veolia Water


Township Manager


Committee Reports:


Budget, Finance, Grants, Legislation and General Government

Code Enforcement



Public Safety & Public Works

Sanitation & Stormwater

Comprehensive Plan

Business Development

EFSD Collaboration Committee

Redevelopment Authority

Junior Commissioner

Fire Department



Presentation: 2022 Audit Findings – Ed Opst of Opst and Associates



Public Comment: See Sign-Up Sheet



Discussion: None



Resolutions (Roll Call):


1.      Motion to adopt Resolution 2024-02 appointing Rob Rhoderick as the Township representative, and Chris Thoma, as the alternate representative, of the SHACOG Cable Television Joint Rate Review Board.


2.      Motion to adopt Resolution 2024-03 appointing Rob Rhoderick as the Township representative, and Chris Thoma, as the alternate representative, of the SHACOG Franchising Authority Board.


3.      Motion to adopt Resolution 2024-04 amending the current Township Fee Schedule.


4.      Motion to adopt Resolution 2024-05 amending Resolution 2024-01 to include an amended date for the Municipal Records Manual.



Ordinances (Roll Call):  None



Items for Consideration


 Non-Expenditure Items (Consent Votes):


1.      Motion to approve Commissioner’s Special Meeting minutes dated December 27, 2023.


2.      Motion to approve the Commissioner’s Meeting minutes dated January 2, 2024.


3.      Motion to approve the Commissioner's Workshop Meeting minutes dated January 15, 2024


4.      Motion to approve a lot line revision of parcels #760-M-91 and #760-M-97 at 1825 and 1829 Turkeyfoot Road. The properties exist in an R-2 zoning district.


5.      Motion to approve a lot line revision of parcels #2083-G-347 & #2083-G-350 at 3421 and 3429 Long Hollow Road. The properties exist in an R-1 zoning district.


6.      Motion to set and advertise a Special Meeting on February 19, 2024 at 6:30 pm, to vote on signing a contract with PDDM Solutions for the construction of the Boston ballfield.



Expenditure Items (Roll Call Votes):


7.      Motion to approve the Township Bill Warrant dated December 4, 2023, in the amount of $846,503.76.


8.      Motion to approve the Sanitary Bill Warrant dated December 4, 2023, in the amount of $366,163.42.


9.      Motion to accept the 2022 annual Township audit prepared by Opst and Associates.


10.   Motion to approve a $1.00 per hour performance wage increase for employee #1031, per the recommendation of the Personnel Committee.


11.   Motion to approve a $1.00 per hour performance wage increase for employee #1030, per the recommendation of the Personnel Committee.


12.   Motion to approve a $1.00 per hour performance wage increase for employee #1056, per the recommendation of the Personnel Committee.


13.   Motion to approve a 3% annual performance salary increase for employee #1052, per the recommendation of the Personnel Committee.


14.   Motion to approve a 3% annual performance salary increase for employee #1047, per the recommendation of the Personnel Committee.


15.   Motion to approve a 3% annual performance salary increase and stipend for employee #1045, per the recommendation of the Personnel Committee.


16.   Motion to approve the payment of pay application #4 from PDDM Solutions for the Boston Ballfield Construction in the amount of $22,750.00.


17.   Motion to approve the distribution of the fiscal year 2023 Fire Levy Funds to the Elizabeth Township Volunteer Fire Departments as follows: Elizabeth Township Fire Department #1 - $193,413.54, Blaine Hill Fire Department - $64,471.79, Buena Vista Fire Department - $64,471.80. All departments have met the financial reporting requirements for the Township.


18.   Motion to contract with Just Klean to pump the five holding tanks and maintain/clean ten bathroom units along the Mon/Yough Trail in Blythedale, Industry, Dravo, Boston, and Buena Vista for a $350.00 per visit cleaning charge and a .50 per gallon pumping charge beginning immediately.


19.   Motion to authorize Just Klean to refurbish the trail bathrooms at Boston, Industry, and Blythedale according to the provided service quote at a total cost of $7,899.00. American Rescue Act (ARPA) funds will be used to pay for this service.


20.   Motion to ratify the vote from January 16, 2024, to authorize KLH Engineers to develop bid specifications for construction of a combination basketball & pickleball court at Highland Meadows Park.


21.   Motion to advertise contract 2024-01 for proposals to construct a combination basketball/pickleball court at Highland Meadows Park.


22.   Motion to approve payment of $12,000.00 to the Betters Company for the demolition of 2560 Greenock Buena Vista Road.


23.   Motion to accept the proposal from Ameri Pride Fence Company for the repair of the chain link fence at the Elizabeth Township Soccer Field at a cost of $4,000.00.


24.   Motion to approve payment to Eastern Door Controls for the installation of new garage doors at the Municipal garage at a cost of $84,800.00. The Township will use American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to pay this invoice.


25.   Motion to approve the negotiated payment of a PA Department of Environmental Protection fine for the Buena Vista Pump Station at a cost of $8,250.00.


26.   Motion to approve the payment $91,479.52 to Motorola Solutions for the purchase of 12 radios to be distributed among the Elizabeth Township Fire Departments. This payment will be reimbursed by Olympus Energy, as a Conditional Use term for the Champion Compressor Station.


27.   Motion to approve the payment of $59,312.30 to Southeast Regional Emergency Management Services for service to the Township in the calendar year 2024.


28.   Motion to accept the Elizabeth Township Zoning Hearing Board Solicitor fee proposal from Weisel, Xides, and Forester, LLP for the calendar year 2024.


29.   Motion to approve the payment of $15,000.00 to the Elizabeth Township Fire department #1 for truck repairs. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds will be used for this payment.


30.   Motion to approve Pay Application #5 from PDDM Solutions in the amount of $4,050.00.


31.   Motion to purchase eight replacement security cameras from Barrier Protection Systems, Inc. at a cost of $10,289.15. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds will be used for this purchase.




Agenda Download:

The General Fund Bill Warrant:

The Sanitary Bill Warrant:


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Elizabeth Township is a First-Class Township located in the southeast portion of Allegheny County. The township is nestled between the Youghiogheny and Monongahela rivers. We have affordable housing and many local businesses that create an incredible standard of living for the residents.
U.S State Congress: 12th Congressional District
State Senate: 45th Senatorial District
State House: 39th Legislative District
522 Rock Run Road
Elizabeth, PA 15037
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