The Elizabeth Township Board of Commissioners will hold their April 2024 meeting on Monday, April 1st, 2024 at 7:00 pm at the Elizabeth Township Municipal Building.
The agenda:
Elizabeth Township
Board of Commissioners
Monday April 1, 2024, 7:00 PM
Board of Commissioner’s Meeting Agenda
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance & Moment of Silence
Roll Call
Executive Session Acknowledgement:
March 18, 2024, at 6:00 pm
April 1, 2024, at 5:30 pm
Preliminary Motion:
Motion to hire Jacob Powell as a Class E Patrolman beginning April 15, 2024, at the hourly rate determined by the current uniform collective bargaining agreement. Mr. Powell is ranked #1 on the current Elizabeth Township Civil Service List.
Swearing in of Officer Jacob Powell by the Honorable Beth Mills
Department Reports:
Code Enforcement
Public Works
Sanitary-Veolia Water
Township Manager
Committee Reports:
Budget, Finance, Grants, Legislation and General Government
Code Enforcement
Parks & Recreation
Community Events
Public Safety & Public Works
Sanitation & Stormwater
Comprehensive Plan
Business Development
EFSD Collaboration Committee
Redevelopment Authority
Junior Commissioner
Fire Department
Waste Management Update – Commissioner Musisko
Public Comment: See Sign-Up Sheet
Discussion: None
Resolutions (Roll Call): None
Ordinances (Roll Call): None
Items for Consideration
Non-Expenditure Items (Consent Votes):
1. Motion to approve the Commissioner’s Meeting minutes dated March 4, 2024.
2. Motion to approve the Commissioner's Workshop Meeting minutes dated March 18, 2024
3. Motion to appoint the following Elizabeth Township residents to the International Property Maintenance Code Appeal Board and Uniform Construction Code Appeal Board, as recommended by the Elizabeth Township Building Inspector: Mark Cain, Dennis Kampas, and Dan Poirier.
4. Motion to approve the Memorandum of Understanding between Elizabeth Township and the Allegheny County District Attorney regarding public access to recordings from Police worn body cameras.
5. Motion to proclaim April 2024 as “Pennsylvania 811 Safe Digging Month” in support of the Pennsylvania Underground Utility Line protection Law, PA Act 287 of 1974.
Expenditure Items (Roll Call Votes):
6. Motion to approve the Township Bill Warrant dated April 1, 2024, in the amount of $811,839.49.
7. Motion to approve the Sanitary Bill Warrant dated April 1, 2024, in the amount of $392,146.05.
8. Motion to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with Waste Management regarding solid waste collection services for the Township.
9. Motion to approve the quote from Nick Czapor to spray all Township parks, pavilion areas, playgrounds, and athletic fields at a cost of $2,100.00.
10. Motion to approve expense reimbursement to Elizabeth Forward Youth Association for the maintenance of seven ballfields in the Township at a cost of $14,231.00.
11. Motion to ratify the vote from March 22, 2024, to approve the Extra Work Authorization from Mele & Mele and Sons, Inc. to add 219 feet of 7-foot-high chain link fence to the Buena Vista Pump Station property at a cost of $11,683.28. This expense would be paid for with PennVest Loans.
12. Motion to ratify the vote from March 20, 2024, to authorize Ackenheil Engineering to design a remediation solution for slide #3 on Jacktown Road at a cost not to exceed $20,000. $14,420.00 of this cost was approved by the Board of Commissioners at the March 4, 2024, voting meeting.
13. Motion to authorize the payment to Webster Metals & Recycling LLC for the demolition of five blighted structures in the amount of $49,000.00.
14. Motion to ratify the approval of Strassburger McKenna Gutnick and Gefksy to be retained as special counsel for all issues relating to the Jacktown Bridge Project.
15. Motion to ratify the vote from March 21, 2024, to allow the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary to use the Community Center for classes and waive the fee.
16. Motion to accept Wreckcrew Demolition, LLC as the lowest responsible bid for SHACOG 2022-BRP-007 blighted property demolition project at a cost of $47,470.00. The cost of this project is covered by an Allegheny County Act 152 Grant.
17. Motion to ratify the vote from March 22, 2024, authorizing PDDM Solutions to create a site plan and cost estimate for the Chapel Drive Phase 1 Project at a cost of $4,380.00.
18. Motion to approve Pay Application #3 from Swede Construction Corp. for the MS4 Phase One Remediation Project at a cost of $40,612.50.
19. Motion to approve the painting and wall repair of the Board Chambers, lobby, and lobby hallways by Christopher M. Galiyas painting at a cost of $9,950.00.
20. Motion to approve the removal of three old radiators from the Board Chambers and the addition of two mini-split heating and cooling units by Haywood refrigeration Service at a cost not to exceed $12,00.00. Funds from the Capital Fund will pay for this improvement.
21. Motion to advertise for Public Works seasonal help at an hourly wage of $18.00 per hour.
The General Fund Bill Warrant:
The Sanitary Bill Warrant:
Agenda PDF Download: