Demonstrate Your Civic Pride: Become an Elections Poll Worker in Allegheny County
Did you know that you can support your community members by serving as an Elections Poll Worker in Allegheny County? Each year, the Allegheny County Elections Division schedules thousands of poll workers to serve in 1,323 precincts. Poll workers receive between $150 and $175 for working on Election Day, with an additional $20 paid training. Know that the efforts you put into this long, fulfilling day (approximately 15 hours) provides your friends and neighbors with the right and privilege of voting. Additional information can be found at Poll Worker Information
To apply to become a poll worker, please complete the survey at Poll Worker Survey-General Election . You will be redirected to the Allegheny County Support Center site where you will need to log in or create an account. Once logged in, select the “Request Service” tile and then choose “Election Poll Worker” to provide your responses if you're not automatically directed to that page. Please fill out the information completely. Watch your e-mail, texts and, possibly, a telephone call, for more information including training options and your assignment.