The Elizabeth Township Board of Commissioners will hold their December meeting on Monday, December 5th, 2022 at 7:00 pm at the Elizabeth Township Municipal Building.
Elizabeth Township
Board of Commissioners
Monday, December 5, 2022, 7:00 PM
Commissioner’s Meeting Agenda
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance & Moment of Silence
Roll Call
Executive Session Acknowledgement: November 7, 2022 @ 6:00 pm
Department Reports:
Code Enforcement
Public Works
Sanitary-Veolia Water
Township Manager
Committee Reports:
Code Enforcement
Public Safety & Public Works
Sanitation & Stormwater
Comprehensive Plan & General Government
Presentation: None
Public Comment: See Sign-Up Sheet
Discussion: None
Motion to adopt Resolution 2022-21 designating Greg Butler as the executor of the 2022 Small Water and Sewer Grant.
Ordinances: None
Items for Consideration
Non-Expenditure Items (Consent Votes): None
1. Motion to approve the Commissioner’s Meeting minutes dated November 7, 2022.
2. Motion to not accept cash payments for transactions at the Municipal Administrative office.
3. Motion to approve a reverse subdivision request from Walter Adams to combine two parcels (1569-D-189 & 1569-D-185) at 1746 Sahara Street. This subdivision was approved by the Elizabeth Township Planning Commission.
Expenditure Items (Roll Call Votes)
1. Motion to approve the Township Bill Warrant dated December 5, 2022, in the amount of $587,743.14.
2. Motion to approve the Sanitary Bill Warrant dated December 5, 2022, in the amount of $139,052.61.
3. Motion to approve the 2023 General Fund Budget and 2023 Sanitary Budget.
4. Motion to solicit contractor quotes to demolish and remodel the restroom in the administrative office to expand the Building Inspector office.
5. Motion to purchase a storage shed for the Polaris side-by-side at a cost of $14,395.00 from Amish Touch.
6. Motion to enter into a Police Mutual Aid Agreement with Glassport Borough effective December 5, 2022.
7. Motion to give each Elizabeth Township staff member a $100.00 Holiday bonus.
8. Motion to authorize a one-time credit in the amount of $190.00 for sewage account ETS10029636.
9. Motion to authorize Ice Miller to perform arbitrage rebate calculations on the Series 2012 Bond for the period August 24, 2017, through August 23, 2022, at a cost of $4,250.00. This analysis is an Internal Revenue Service requirement.
10. Motion to authorize Ice Miller to perform arbitrage rebate calculations on the Series 2017 Bond for the period September 26, 2017, through September 26, 2022, at a cost of $3,750.00. This analysis is an Internal Revenue Service requirement.
11. Motion to enter into a three-year agreement with Granite to manage the Township interconnection services (telecommunication and internet) at an initial cost of $4,860.83. This agreement will potentially result in $39,600.00 in savings over three years.
12. Motion to authorize KLH Engineers to prepare bid specifications for improvements and upgrades to the Mt. Vernon Ballfield court area.
13. Motion to contribute funds, not to exceed $100,000.00, for improvements and upgrades to the Mt. Vernon Ballfield court area. This contribution is contingent on the execution of an approved agreement with Elizabeth Forward Youth Association.